How To Play Horse Game
- How To Play Charger Escape Horse Game
- How To Play Horse Basketball Game
- How To Play Horse Game
- How To Play Basketball Horse Game
Complete directions and instructions for the game of Horse. What you need to play. Basketball goal and basketball. Object of the game. Make baskets - for missed shots receive a letter (H O R S E). The first one to spell out HORSE looses the game. Set up the game. Choose the order in which players will shoot baskets for the game. In HORSE, you use your imagination to create crazy shots. To begin the game, pick a player to go first. That player gets to do anything they want before shooting. If they want to spin around 5. Horse Race Game To play, you need a pair of dice, a deck of cards, and the Horse Race game board! From the deck of cards, discard the aces, kings, and jokers, leaving you with 44 cards. Shuffle and deal these cards. Each player will not necessarily receive the same amount of cards. Place the horses.
V2 Progress
How To Play Charger Escape Horse Game
- General
- Remembers your login information until you logout - 100% complete
- View most of the game without being logged in - 100% complete
- Ajax auto-saving to help reduce clicking and data loss - 100% complete
- Login/Logout - 100% complete
- Report abuse - 100% complete
- Report a bug - 100% complete
- Contact the helpdesk - 100% complete
- Admin, staff and moderator icons - 100% complete
- Join - 90% complete
- Import a V1 account - 85% complete
- Parental controls and privacy settings - 90% complete
- Autocomplete fields for members, horses and items - 80% complete
- Weather system - 80% complete
- More searches and additional search options - 75% complete
- Stable and land management - 30% complete
- Game notifications and email notifications - 15% complete
- More educational and more realistic - 10% complete
- Porting over original game functionality (this is the biggest task of everything!!) - 10% complete
- Newspaper
- Infinite scroll of articles (keeps loading as you scroll down) - 100% complete
- Post a comment - 100% complete
- Edit your comment - 100% complete
- Rate an article - 100% complete
- Any eligible player can create articles (no newspaper managers) - 100% complete
- Layout
- Comic improvements - 100% complete
- Customizable ticker messages - 100% complete
- Friends and players online collapsible sidebar - 100% complete
- Different WYSIWYG editors with drag/drop image uploading for page layouts - 100% complete
- Support for phone and tablet web browsers - 100% complete
- Easier navigation - 98% complete
- More graphics - 10% complete
- Horses
- Mane and tail colors - 100% complete
- Custom horse generator - 100% complete
- Interactive graphs - 25% complete
- Peak system added - 15% complete
- Body, leg and face markings - 5% complete
- Abilities displayed - 5% complete
- Help & Support
- Linked help and faq topics - 98% complete
- Improved faq information - 95% complete
- Improved help information - 85% complete
- Helpdesk contact system - 80% complete
- Game tutorials - 60% complete
- Game walkthrough - 10% complete
- Mail
- Save a draft - 100% complete
- Recent drafts list - 100% complete
- Recently sent list - 100% complete
- Flag messages - 100% complete
- Manage multiple messages at once - 100% complete
- Mark as read or unread - 100% complete
- Folders - 100% complete
- Manage drafts - 60% complete
- Account
- Friends list - 100% complete
- Blocked list - 100% complete
- Account settings - 100% complete
- Customize page layout - 100% complete
- Change password - 100% complete
- Journal
- Create entries - 100% complete
- Rate entries - 100% complete
- Comment on entries - 100% complete
- Edit entries - 100% complete
- Community
- Rating and reputation system - 90% complete
- @mentions and #hashtags - 50% complete
- Calendar of events and special shows - 25% complete
- Moderator enhancements and additional tools - 25% complete
- Roleplaying overhaul and now in it's own section - 25% complete
- New trade system - 25% complete
- Item crafting, auctions and trades - 0% complete
- Forums
- categories now have sub-categories - 100% complete
- sticky posts - 100% complete
- new post/popular post indicators - 50% complete
- thread subscriptions - 0% complete
- Upgrades
- credits or subscription options - 85% complete
- buy specific features with credits - 80% complete
- permanent and yearly upgrades - 80% complete
- sell, trade, and auction credits - 25% complete

What Is It?
Version 2 is the new and improved White Oak Stables that is currently in development. Version 2 combines English, Racing and Western competition into a single game so you no longer have to login to different registers and use multiple accounts. Version 2, or V2, will be replacing the current version, or V1, of White Oak Stables when it's done. It will have new features, new graphics and new gameplay.
When Does it Open?
V2 is scheduled to open by January 2015. Currently the plan is to open it first in a Beta testing state. During this time anyone will be able to join and play Version 2 in it's testing stage. When testing is completed Version 2 will replace the existing version of White Oak Stables.
Can I Have Multiple Accounts?
You may only have one account on Version 2. All of your accounts on V1 will be combined into a single account on V2.
Will I Loose My Account Data?
You may choose to import your old account data into your new V2 account. Any data that can be supported will be moved into V2.
Will I Loose My Upgrades?
V2 uses a new upgrade system meaning that V1 upgrades will no longer be supported in the same way as they were before. For each account with an upgrade that you import into your new V2 account you will recieve the comparable V2 upgrade for that upgrade. V2 upgrades are available by yearly subscription or one time payments for specific features or credits.

Will I Get A New Account Number?
Yes. Account numbers will be first come first serve when V2 officially opens. Account numbers will reset and start at #2.
All work and no play makes Doris a dull girl – and it’s just as true for your horse as it is for you!

Building a little bit of play into your routine has significant benefits, including:
How To Play Horse Basketball Game
Improving the bond between you and your horse
Improving your horses work ethic (and your own work ethic as well)
Increasing training techniques for you and your horse
Improving the physical, mental and emotional well-being of you both
Playing with your horse doesn’t have to be complex or difficult, nor does it have to eat into your training time. But given the benefits of playtime, is it not worth 10-15 minutes?
Here are just a few suggestions of games you can play with your horse.
On the ground
How To Play Horse Game
Come – teach your horse to respond to the command “come” by taking a step towards you (immediately reward the effort to step towards you). You may initially need to start this on a lead rope then progress without it. Once your horse is taking a few steps voluntarily, extend the distance and eventually you can begin to cue with other signals, such as raising both arms. Remember, your horse is motivated by a release in pressure, so always reward a small give towards you. (It could also help you with the uncatchable horse, but perhaps start in a smaller enclosed area if they are).
Fetch – this is a great fun game where you drop an item and ask your horse to pick it up for you. A great game that will help avoid dismounting if you drop your crop!
Follow the leader/Tag – These games are an extension of the come command.
Hug – a hug from a loved one is an amazing feeling, so why not teach your horse to hug you! Have you horse stretch his neck around your body.
Soccer – many horses love to play with inanimate objects! You can teach your horse to play with a ball with you if they are inclined to play with objects. Start with proper horse balls – these have handles and are larger but still light so as your horse nuzzles the ball it will move. The handles also drive the inquisitive mind to grab them and also make the ball move in unpredictable directions.
In the saddle
Hack it out! Go for a trail ride, explore the paddock – whatever you do, just get out of that arena!
Ride a different discipline – if you are training dressage, why not set up a small jump course, or some barrels, and have a burl. Get some friends together and compete in your own at home pony club session! (Make it even more fun by handing out some cheeky mock awards, such as shiniest bum or widest turn).
Go to a show – just for fun – What if you just went to a show with no intentions of winning? The stimulation of the show along with the fact that you will be much more relaxed will not only be good practice for you both, but break up the monotony of work. Don’t think you are ready to show? Who cares? Be that annoyingly blissful person that is looking after your horse, gaining experience and doesn’t care about points or opinions.
Simon says – this is another great group game to play. Someone will need to play Simon but you can swap it around so everyone has a turn. Simon says do a twenty meter circle, Simon says halt, Trot on – oops Simon didn’t say that- you lose!
Quick fun
Find that itch and scratch it – horses are herd animals so contact is something they enjoy. Even better, it’s something they need for those hard-to-reach itchy spots. Give your horse a moment of pleasure by giving one of those favourite hard-to-reach areas a good long scratch!
Carrot stretches – what horse doesn’t like carrots (and if yours doesn’t, try their other favourite treat). Encourage them to reach forward, between their front legs, and to the sides to get the carrots – preferably while staying still. It’s also great for stretching out their neck and back muscles before a riding session.
Squeaky toys – as with the soccer ball, some curious horses may enjoy the stimulation provided by flicking around and jumping on a squeaky toy. Laughter will be guaranteed as they discover the different noises they make. Just make sure the toy is much larger than a mouthful!