Craps Table Hawaii

Minimums, Maximums, and Table Odds every damn casino inVegas
No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
BINION’S | 5 | 10x | $3,$5 – $3,000 | 2 pays 2X and 12 pays 3X in Field. Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. See our reportabout how craps at Binions has gone downhill . (3-09) |
THE CALIFORNIA | 4 | 2x | $5 – $1,000 $3,000 max on Odds | See where the undisputed World Craps Roll took place — 3 hours and 6 minutes! TheGolden Arm Awards are posted in the upstairs walkway to the Main Street Station,which you should visit anyway for the best craps downtown. Lots of Hawaiian visitorshere. (3-09) |
EL CORTEZ | 2 | 10x | $3 or $5 – $1,000 | No more 25-cent craps. $5,000 maximum on Odds. Field pays 3X on 12. Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Place to go if you want to see wherehalf the dealers in Vegas get their first job and training. (3-09) |
FITZGERALDS | 2 | 3,4 and 5x | $3,$5 – $1,000 $2,000 max on Odds | Field pays triple on 12. Downtown Odds on PropositionBets. Casino newly decorated. (3-09) |
4 QUEENS | 3 | 5x | $3, $5 or $10 – $1,000 $2,000 max on Odds | Field pays triple on 12. Downtown Odds on PropositionBets. (3-09) |
GOLDEN GATE | 2 | 10x | $3 or $5 – $500 | Nice Piano Bar and Deli. Field pays triple on 12. DowntownOdds on Proposition Bets. (3-09) |
GOLDEN NUGGET | 5 | 3,4,5x | $5 – $5,000 | Field pays triple on 12. Downtown Odds on PropositionBets. (3-09) |
FREMONT | 4 | 2x | $3 or $5 – $3,000 $2,000 max on Place Bets | Field pays 3x on 12. Downtown Odds on Prop. Bets. Special “Roll-A-Thon promotionfor consecutive rolls without a Seven… Record as of 5/07 is 117 Rolls. But…better Boyd Property offerings at Main Street Station. (3-09) |
LADY LUCK | – | – | – | Closed on February 11, 2006 pending upgrades or reorganization. |
LAS VEGAS CLUB | 1 | 10x | $5 – $500 | No more 25-cent game here. 12 pays 3x in Field, DowntownOdds on Proposition Bets. Down from 3 tables last review. (3-09) |
MAIN STREET STATION | 3 | 20x | $5 – $1,000 | Best Odds offerings Downtown. Great Micro-Brewery.Clean and stylish pit. Downtown on Prop. Bets. 12 pays 3x in Field. This is the bestdeal downtown. (3-09) |
PLAZA | 2 | 10x | $5 – $500 | Field pays triple on 12. Downtown odds on proposition bets. One of the ugliest pitsin Vegas. One table is CRAPLESS CRAPS. One table has FIRE BET. $500 Maximum on Odds.(12-09) |
Craps Table For Sale, Handmade in our Factory to your specifications. Call 480-983-3315 for more information on our large variety of craps tables. On Sale now with custom options available. American Table Games has for nearly two decades manufactured a line up of various craps table. Crap table — noun Etymology: crap (V): a high table that is used for playing craps and that has a raised rim against which the dice must be thrown.
Mel Lum Ho - As of 01/09/21 1.7K subscribers This Video 478 views Craps Hawaii — In the Classroom $64 Across FINAL EXAM Join me on a Journey through the World of Craps. Enjoy learning the game and becoming a Better & Smarter Player. My Videos will take you from the very Basics of the. One table is CRAPLESS CRAPS. One table has FIRE BET. $500 Maximum on Odds.(12-09) LAS VEGAS STRIP (from North to South) No. Of Tables: Table Odds: Limits: Notes: STRATOSPHERE: 3 regular, 1 crapless: 10x: $5 or $10 – $2,000. $2,000 max on Odds. Has the only Crapless Craps game in Vegas. Field pays2X on 2 and 12. $2,000 max on Odds.
No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
STRATOSPHERE | 3 regular, 1 crapless | 10x | $5 or $10 – $2,000 | Has the only Crapless Craps game in Vegas. Field pays2X on 2 and 12. $2,000 max on Odds. Best View of Las Vegas from the top of the tower.Kickback sportsbook. Great dining also at top of the tower and the Tower of Pasta.(3-09) |
SAHARA | 3 | 5x | $5 or $10 – $1,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. No More Fire Bets. Field pays double on 2 andtriple on 12. Roller Coaster here and great spot for auto racing enthusiasts. (3-09) |
CIRCUS, CIRCUS | 4, + 1 tub | 2x | $3 or $5 – $1,000 | $3,000 Maximum Pay-Out. Why bother unless you love Circus Acts and want to bringthe kids. Best Steak House in Las Vegas. Very reasonable room rates. I table isin the old Slots-A-Fun building, almost on the Strip sidewalk. (7-09) |
WESTWARD HO | – | – | – | Closed |
SLOTS-A-FUN | 1 | 2x | $3 or $5 – $500 | MERGED WITH CIRCUS-CIRCUS IN JULY, 2009. Strip Odds Proposition Bets. 12 pays 3xin Field. This table is damn near ON THE STREET ! (7-09) |
STARDUST | – | – | – | Was Imploded on April 3, 2007 |
RIVIERA | 2 | 2x | $5 & $10 – $1,000 | Downtown Odds on Propostion Bets. 12 pays 3x in Field. FIRE BET (5-09) |
NEW FRONTIER | – | – | – – | Closed on July 15th, 2007 |
WYNN RESORT | 10 | 3-4-5x | $10, 15, & 25 – $5,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. 2 pays 2X and 12 pays 3X on Field Bets. (5-09) |
ENCORE | 5 | 3-4-5x | $10, 15, & 25 – $5,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. 2 pays 2X and 12 pays 3X on Field Bets. (5-09) |
MIRAGE | 8 | 3-4-5x | $5, $10 & $25 – $5,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Free Odds not posted. $10,000 maximum on odds.Field pays 2x on 2 and 3x on 12. (3-09) |
TREASURE ISLAND | 4 | 3-4-5x | $5 & $10 – $5,000 | Field pays 2X on 2 and 3X on 12. Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. (3-09) |
CASINO ROYALE | 2 | 20x less than $5. 100x on 1 Table. | $3 or $5 – $500 $2,500 max. pay on Free Odds | No more sit-down “Tub” which was a “Crap Shoot” six chair. “Put” bets allowed. Fieldpays 2X on both the 2 and 12. Strip odds on Prop. bets. 100x Odds only on bets with$5 Minimum. Located on “The Strip” across the street from The Mirage and next doorto Harrah’s. 100X Free Odds only on one table. This 100X Free Odds table is thebest deal on “The Strip”. (3-09) |
BOARDWALK | Destroyed to make way for new MGM-Mirage CITY CENTER. (3-09) | |||
BILLS GAMBLING HALL & SALOON (Formerly The Barbary Coast) | 4 | 3-4-5x | $5 or $10 – $1,000 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2x on both 2 and 12. Firebet. $1,000Max. on Free Odds. (3-09) |
O’SHEAS | 2 | 3x,4x & 5x | $3 & $5 – $500 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2x on both 2 and 12. Firebet. (3-09) |
FLAMINGO | 5 | 3-4-5x | $5, $10, $15 & $25 – $3,000 | Strip Odds on Prop. Bets. Field pays 2x on both 2 & 12. Maximum on Odds, 5 & 9 is$4,000. 4&10 is $3,000. $5,000 on 6 & 8. Firebet on all tables. (3-09) |
HARRAH’S | 4 | 3-4-5x | $5, $10 or $25 – $3,000 | 3K Maximum Pay on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2x on 2 and 2X on 12. Strip payoffson Prop. Bets. Fire Bet posted on all tables. $9,000 max pay on Prop. Bets. Oneof the nicest designed casinos and craps pits on “The Strip”. Check out the CalypsoCarousel on the South side of the building. Weekend music and bar tenders flippingbottles as they mix ’em… a show in itself. But, why play dice here when you canwalk across the alley on the North side and get 100X free odds at Casino Royale?(3-09) |
IMPERIAL PALACE | 3, no more six-person sit-down game | 3-4-5x | $3,$5 or $10 – $1,000 | $1,000 Maximum on Free Odds. Strip Odds on Prop. Bets. Field pays 2x on both the2 and 12. Fire Bet on all tables. (12-09) |
CAESAR’S PALACE | 7 | 3-4-5x | $10 – $50K | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2X on 2 and 3X on the 12. Maximumaggregate bet on line is $100,000. Firebet on One Table. Still one of the best entertainmentvenues on “The Strip”.(8-09) |
MONTE CARLO | 5 | 3-4-5x | $5 & $10 – $3,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2x on 2 and 3x on 12. (3-09) |
VENETIAN | 8 | 3-4-5x | $5,$10 &$25 – $5,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. 12 Pays 3x on 12 in Field. (3-09) |
PALAZZO | 8 | 3-4-5x | $5,$10 &$25 – $5,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. 12 Pays 3x on 12 in Field. (3-09) |
PARIS | 6, med. size | 3-4-5x | $5, $10 & $15 – $5000 $5,000 max on Odds | Fire Bet. Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field… 2 & 12 both pay Double. (2-09) |
PLANET HOLLYWOOD (Formerly The Aladdin) | 5 | 3-4-5x | $5 & $10 – $5,000 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2x on both 2 and 12. (5-09) |
BALLY’S | 4 | 3-4-5x | $5 & $10 – $5,000 | Firebet on all tables. Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2X on 2 and 12.(3-09) |
BELLAGIO | 12 | 3-4-5x | $5, $10 & $25 – $5,000 | Downtown Odds on Prop. Bets. Field pays 3X on 12. Worth a stop here to see the WaterShow and the Monthly Floral Display in Atrium. (3-09) |
MGM | 10 (8 in main & 2 in mini-pit near KA entrance) | 3-4-5x | $5, $10 & $25 – $5,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. 2 pays 2X on 2 and 3X on 12. A NON-SMOKING TABLE.NO MORE FIREBET. Always good entertainment values. Recent upgrades in Sportsbookand Poker Parlor. (3-09) |
NEW YORK, NEW YORK | 6 | 3-4-5x | $5, $10 & $15 – $3,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2x on 2 and 3x on 12. (3-09) |
TROPICANA | 3 | 3-4-5x | $5 – $3,000 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2x on both 2 and 12. Last Bastion of”The Old Las Vegas Strip”. Pit finally relocated under the stained glass dome. TheLas Vegas Hall of Fame is no longer here but the Souvenir Store is Great. (3-09) |
EXCALIBUR | 2 | 3,4 & 5x | $5 – $3,000 Maximum Pay-Out $9,000 | Field Bets… 2 pays 2x and 12 pays 3x. Downtown odds on proposition bets. (3-09) |
LUXOR | 5 | 3-4-5x | $5 & $10 – $5,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2x on 2 and 3x on 12. Egyptian Themeis slowly disappearing. (3-09) |
MANDALAY BAY | 10 | 3-4-5x | $10, $15 & $25 – $5,000 | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field… 2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. (3-09) |
SOUTH POINT | 6 | 2x | $5 – $2,000 $4,000 Max. on Odds | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field: 2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. (3-09) |

No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
THE PALMS | 5 | 3-4-5x | $5, $10 or $25 – $3,000 $10,000 max on Free Odds | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 3X on 12. NO MORE FIRE BET. Vig on4 and 10 5% up to $20 up front, Vig payed on wins only at $25 and over. (3-09) |
HILTON | 4 | 3,4,5x | $5 & $10 – $3,000 $10,000 max on Odds | Fire Bet. Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. 2 pays 2X & 12 pays 3X on Field Bets.(3-09) |
RIO | 6 | 3-4-5x | $5, $10, $25 – $5,000 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. 2 and 12 both pay 2X on Field Bets. FIRE BET stillposted on all layouts. (3-09) |
HARD ROCK | 5, medium size | 3-4-5x | $5,$10 & $25 – $3,000 $10,000 maximum on Odds | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field… 2 & 12 both pay Double. FIRE BET. Low Dice/HighDice Bet in Corners. (3-09) |
TUSCANY | 1 | 3,4 & 5x | $5 – $500 on Flat Bets $1,000 Maximum Payoff on Odds | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2X on 2 and 3X on 12. (3-09) |
HOOTERS | 2 | 3,4 & 5x | $5, $10 or $25 – $1,000, | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field… 2x on 2 and 2x on 12. SharpShooter Beton Number of Passes Made. (3-09) |
WESTIN (Formerly MAXIM) | 1 | 3,4 & 5x | $5 – $500 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2X on 2 and 12. The Westin is theonly non-smoking hotel in Las Vegas, but smoking is allowed in the casino pit. HappyHour, 5pm to 10pm Mondays through Thursdays, $1 Minimum. |
ELLIS ISLAND | 1 TUB | 3,4 & 5x | $5 – $50 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2X and 3X on 12. Great sirloin steaksandwich in coffee shop and popular micro-brewery. |
GOLD COAST | 3 | 3, 4 & 5x | $5 – $2,000 Maximum | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field Pays 3x on 12. $5,000 Maximum on odds.(12-09) |
THE ORLEANS | 6 | 3x,4x & 5x | $2 & $5 or $10 to $2,000 $5,000 max on Odds | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field Bets… 2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. BowlingAlley. Movie Complex. (3-09) |
TERRIBLE’S | 1 | 3-4-5x Odds | $5 – $500 | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field Bets…2 pays Double and 12 Pays Triple. (3-09) |
No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
SUNSET STATION | 4 | 10x | $5 & $10 – $2,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field Bets…2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. (2-09) |
BOULDER STATION | 3 | 10x | $3 & $5 – $500 or $1,000 $2,000 max on Odds | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field Bets…2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. $5Minimum on Hop Bets. (3-09) |
SANTE FE STATION | 4 | 10x | $5 – $1,000 $1,000 max on Odds | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field Bets…2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. |
WILD, WILD WEST | 1 dealer tub | 2x | $3 – $200 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field Bets…2 pays Double and 12 pays Double. Signson table… Do not Bang OR Set the Dice. Nice little Sports Book. (3-09) |
PALACE STATION | 3 & 1 Tub | 3-4-5x to $24 Flat and 10x with min. $25 Flat | $5 – $2,000 | $5,000 Maximum on Odds. Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field 2x on 2, 3x on 12. FIREBET on some tables. (12-09) |
TEXAS STATION | 3 | 10x | $5 – $1,000 $3000 max on Odds | Proposition Bets pay 16 for 1 (Downtown) on 3 & 11 and pay VERY RARE 32 for 1 on2 & 12. |
FIESTA RANCHO | 1 | 10x | $2 – $1,000 $3,000 max on odds | Proposition Bets pay 16 for 1 (Downtown) on 3 & 11 and pay 32 for 1 on 2 & 12. |
GREEN VALLEY RANCH | 5 | 3-4-5x | $5 – $5,000. $10,000 Maximum on Odds | Field pays 2X on 2 and 3X on 12 (Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets). (5-09) |
RED ROCK STATION | 5 | 3-4-5x | $5, 10 or $25 – $2,000. $5,000 Maximum on Odds | Field pays 2X on 2 and 3X on 12 (Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets). (3-09) |
ALIANTE STATION | 3 | 10x | $5 – $2,000. $5,000 Maximum on Odds | Field pays 2X on 2 and 3X on 12 (Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets). No Big 6 or8 in corners of the layout. (12-08) |
No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
ARIZONA CHARLIES (WEST) | 1 | 5x | $2 or $5 – $1,000 $2,000 Max. on Odds | Downtown Odds on Props. Field pays 3x on 12. The Checkmates, one of Las Vegas’ longstanding duo performers no longer playing. (3-09) |
ARIZONA CHARLIES (EAST) | 1 | 2x or 10x | $1 or $5 – $1,000 | 2x Odds when betting $1-$4 Flat. 10x Odds at $5 Flat and over. Max on Odds is $1,000.Nice little entertainment lounge. (3-09) |
CASTAWAYS (Formerly SHOWBOAT) | CLOSED and DEMOLISHED. Property now owned by Station Casinos. | |||
SAM’S TOWN | 3 | 20x | $5 – $3,000 $5,000 max on Odds | Casino remodeled early 2000. All or Nothing Bet (All numbers before a 7) pays 175for 1. Also has 3 other unique Prop. options. This is the best deal on The BoulderHighway. 12 Pays 3X in Field. Downtown on Prop. Bets. No Vig upfront on Buy Betson the 4 and/or 10 at $20 and over. (3-09) |
EASTSIDE CANNERY | 2 | 100x | $3 or $5 – $3,000 | Opened on August 28, 2008. $5,000 maximum on Free Odds. FIRE BET. Downtown on PropBets. Field pays 3X on 12. Sports Book set up with heavy emphasis on horse action.(3-09) |
JOKER’S WILD | 1 | 10x | $1&$2 – $500 $500 max on Odds $500 max payout on Prop bets | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets, $1 Minimum. Field Bets…2 pays Double, 12 paysTriple. This may still be the place to test your system on a 25 cent table but tableminimum is sometimes at $2. Table opens most mornings at 9 AM. (4-09) |
SILVERTON | 3 | 10x | $3 or $5 – $1,000 $2,000 max on Odds | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field Bets: 2 pays 2X, 12 pays 3X. (3-09) |
M RESORT | 6 | 3,4,& 5X | $5 – $3,000 No maximum on Odds is posted | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field Bets: 2 pays 2X, 12 pays 3X. (3-09) |
No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
GOLD STRIKE | 1 | 2x | $2 most Weekdays, $5 weekends and holidays, to $1,000 $5,000 max payout on Propbets | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field Bets… 2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. |
NEVADA LANDING | – | – | – | Closed on March 20, 2007 |
WHISKEY PETE’S | 2 | 2x | $5 – $500 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field Bets… 2 pays Double and 12 pays Double. |
BUFFALO BILL’S | 2 | 2x | $5 – $500 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field Bets… 2 pays Double and 12 pays Double. |
PRIMM RESORT AND CASINO | 2 | $5 – $500 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. Field Bets… 2 pays Double and 12 pays Double. |

No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
THE CANNERY | 2 | 10x | $3 slow periods, $5 weekends & holidays, to $1,000 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field pays 2X on 2 and 3X on 12. New long-shotFire Bet layouts on both tables. |
MAHONEY’S SILVER NUGGET | 1, large | 3-4-5x | $2 to $200 | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field Bets: 2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. Weekdaysonly runs 4pm to 2am. Recent upgrade to full table from a single tub. |
JERRY’S NUGGET | 1 | 2x | $2 – $3,000 | Downtown odds on Proposition Bets. Field bets… 2 and 12 both pay Double. GreatFood at Good Prices. |
LUCKY’s formerly SPEEDWAY | 1 | 5x | $2 – $200 | Downtown odds on Proposition Bets. Field Bets… 2 pays Double, 12 pays Triple. |
No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
RAMPART | 2 | 20x | $5 & $10 – $1,000 | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field: 2 pays Double and 12 pays Triple. $6,000 Max.on Free Odds. Firebet. (3-09) |
SUNCOAST | 4 | 5x | $3, $5 or $10 – $2,000 $4,000 max on Odds | Downtown odds on Proposition Bets. Field: 2 pays double, 12 pays triple. (3-09) |
No. of Tables | Table Odds | Limits | Notes | |
FIESTA HENDERSON | 2 | 10x | $2 – $1,000 | Downtown on Proposition Bets. Field Bets…2 pays Double and 12 pays Triple. |
HYATT REGENCY AT LAKE LAS VEGAS | 1 | 2x | $5 – $200 | Strip Odds on Proposition Bets. |
CASINO MONTE LAGO | 2 | 3-4-5x | $10 – $300 Maximum $5 maximum on Hop bets $100 max on Prop bets | Field pays 2X on 2, and 3X on 12. Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. |
HACIENDA (Near Hoover Dam) | 1 | 2x | $1 – $200 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field: 2 pays 2X, and 12 pays 3X. Sometimes sectionedinto one dealer table. $1,000 Max. Pay on Prop. Bets. (5-09) |
EL DORADO | 1 | 10x | $1 – $500 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets with 25 Cent Minimum OK. Field: 2 pays 2X, and12 pays 3X. Maximum payout on Props. $500 (4-09) |
RAILROAD PASS | 1 | 2X | $1 – $200 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field: 2 pays 2X, and 12 pays 3X. No Call Bets.(5-09) |
CLUB FORTUNE | 1 | 3x | $1 – $50 | Downtown Odds on Proposition Bets. Field: 2 pays 2X, and 12 pays 3X. Maximum payouton Props. $500 Hi-Low Bet in Corners. $25 Max. Bet on Hardways. (4-09) |
With the busy World Series of Poker schedule behind us, PokerNews brings you a Vegas tale from Sin City's past.
Take a break from the poker action and check out one of gambling's most amazing runs at the craps table.
The California Hotel and Casino sits a bit off the beaten path. Located far away from the Las Vegas Strip, the old casino founded in 1975 sits at the intersection of East Ogden Avenue and North Main Street.
Main Street Station is across the street, but the Cal sits a bit outside the unique festive atmosphere of the Fremont Street experience.
The casino has long catered to residents of Hawaii and a trip inside exudes that relaxed atmosphere that founder Sam Boyd brought to the property.
That effort attracted many gamblers from the islands looking for a good gamble and they still flock to the action there today.
The state doesn't have casino gambling and from its early days, Boyd offered cheap vacation packages for islanders and even island culinary delights, and still does. Deals on chartered flights from Hawaii sometimes were as low as $9.90.
The Cal's website even uses the tagline, 'Aloha Spoken Here,' and dealers even sport Hawaiian-print shirts.
The casino has become so ingrained with many island gamblers that in 2008 the University of Hawaii Press published the book California Hotel and Casino: Hawaii's Home Away From Home.
Craps Table Layout
Flying over for weddings and other special occasions at the downtown casino became a regular for many islanders.
Craps is a fairly easy game. In essence, a shooter rolls to establish a point number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) and then attempts to roll that number again before hitting a seven (crapping out).

Wagers on the board vary, but if the shooter hits that point number without rolling a seven, those betting with the shooter win. A few nice rolls can certainly make for a fun night.
However, rolls rarely even make it into the double-digits and streaks of more than 30 minutes are rare.
But on May 28, 1989, Oahu native Stanley Fujitake defied all the odds. A regular at the Cal, Fujitake was also a regular dice player. Around midnight, he dropped $5 on the pass line and took the dice in hand.
What followed became a Las Vegas legend.
'There were at least 30 to 40 people trying to place bets at his table.'
Craps Table Casino
Fujitake continued to roll for just over three hours. Crowds gathered around throughout the night to take in the mystical roll – those red dice bouncing along the green felt and hitting point number after point number.
Guido Metzger was dealing craps at a table next to Fujitake's table that night. Now director of casino operations for Boyd Gaming's downtown properties, Metzger remembers the as something he had never seen before at a casino as dealers struggled to keep up with players' wins as more and more players tried to squeeze into the action.
“They had trouble keeping up with the chip payouts that night,” Metzger said in 2014 in an issue of Boyd Buzz. “My table was empty. But there were at least 30 to 40 people trying to place bets at his table. They couldn't get fills to the table fast enough and had to start issuing scrip [casino credit] because not enough people were going to the cage and cashing in their chips.'
During his historic night, Fujitake rolled 118 times for 18 pass line winners. After beginning with the table minimum, the sharpshooter had increased his bet to the table maximum of $1,000 when he finally passed the dice. Friends said on a previous trip Fujitake has rolled the dice for an hour and 45 minutes. Casino staff were astounded at the scene.

“Half an hour is average, over an hour is amazing, but more than three hours is totally astounding,” casino manager John Repetti told the News at the Cal in July of ‘89 after Fujitake's accomplishment.
The craps king passed away in 2000, but his widow Satsuko recently spoke with Hawaii News Now about that amazing night.
'It was a miracle, because it's impossible to hold the dice,' said Satsuko, who introduced her husband to the game. 'It doesn't happen all the time, maybe it's only once in a lifetime deal.'
Fujitake took home about $30,000 that night, Satsuko said, and the California Hotel and Casino paid out about $750,000 in winnings to players gathered around with their pass line and other bets at the table.
“That was one of the ironic things about his roll – the other players at the table ended up winning a lot more money than Stanley did!” says David Strow, Boyd Gaming vice president of of corporate communications.
While the casino may have lost big bucks that night, Boyd took it in stride and turned the legend of Stanley Fujitake into a marketing opportunity, and reward, for craps players. He was nicknamed “The Golden Arm” and the casino has since hosted the the Golden Arm Club. Inside a glass trophy case, Fujitake's hand is cast in bronze holding those winning dice from that night.
Next to the case, small golden plaques display the names of all those players who have rolled for an hour or more become members of the club, which averages about on player a month.
How does one earn entry into the Golden Arm Club? Simply roll without sevening out for an hour. More than 300 players can now call themselves members. Roll for 90 minutes or obtain Golden Arm status more than once and your name gets placed on the even more exclusive Platinum Wall located on the mezzanine level of the casino. Fujitake was a platinum member himself after reaching the one-hour threshold a staggering four times.
The Fujitakes visited the California often and while he may be gone, the Hawaiian craps champ won't be forgotten. The Cal even hosts the annual Golden Arm Craps Tournament in his honor. His wife Satsuko told Hawaii News Now: 'As my husband of 54 years, in my heart, he is still the champ to me and will be forever.”