Basic Xfl Rules
For more information on how we enforce against abusive accounts that violate the Basic Rules, read our Abusive Behavior Policy. Basic rules of the articles. After the long day, the cup of tea tastes particularly good. After a long day, a cup of tea tastes particularly good. PmWiki's basic edit syntax. Basic baseball rules for young players and parents. These simple rules are perfect for introducing new folks to the game.
One rule is that nobody gives money for free.
They have not been discovered overnight, by myself. I’m not original, the “rules” in bold fonts are not even altered. I just saw them in a blog post, in a blog I used to love, now struggling to just publish to keep its ranks high. I read the same thing every day, of how the guy is not actually selling anything with his blog but he inserts Amazon links in the articles to be productive, how he’s going to debate this and that and sometimes he’ll do it, sometimes not, how he hates Woody Allen for being neurotic, but the guy is as neurotic as some of Allen’s characters, only he appreciates Woody Allen because he’s prolific and has a lot of ideas. Unfortunately, this guy is almost just as chaotic as I am. This is going to change. My hobby will produce, because I’m your friend. So trust me now, and believe the guy as well, when he says that nobody gives money for free.
There’s always some condition, sometimes hidden, sometimes in the open. Even banks are sometimes lying, they give you presents and bonuses “for free”. They’re lying in your face, but everybody knows that no bank will ever give you something for free. If a banker is persuading you to “invest in your future” and make a retirement assurance fund with them, you have only two choices, and only you are to blame if you lose the money. You believe the banker, you lose the money, or a considerable amount at least, you don’t believe him, you may lose just a devaluation percent, nothing more. Even if you put the money in a saving account, with let’s say, a “higher” interest, you don’t even preserve them. The “maintenance costs and taxes” are barely covered by the interest.
4 Huskies
Never travel for money. Once you travel to get someone’s money then you are a beggar.
I know another guy who does exactly this. He’ll go to anyone’s location to take sums of money his clients owe him and you know what? He recovers hard. The clients don’t even thank him for the courtesy, they often try to avoid paying then, which sucks. He should sue them all. He’s not suing because he is afraid of losing them. Rare are his clients with a drop of honesty left. If sued, they, the “clients” will come to beg of him.
The “Golden” Coins
Never trust experts.
If an expert says, this book is worth $1oo but you can buy it now for $10 then he is lying. Nothing is worth anything until someone is willing to pay for it. Opportunities don’t just happen. When I was in the boating business, I speculated exactly the “expert” channel. I pretended I’m no expert (actually it’s hard to become one, but I knew a thing or two, and more important, I knew the difference), and with honesty I made more money than others made lying. It’s easier to keep telling the truth, but some jerks in the business think it’s normal to lie, think it’s quite accepted. I can’t understand this.
Always look for some agenda.
Since everyone lies, try to probe a little more for the truth. Maybe there’s other ways to benefit from someone’s lie. After that, you may know exactly what to do. You have to keep your agenda, anyway. Scammers are not that hard to prove. I know one who made a company after a scam. He persuaded a drunkard to make a real estate investment, and he became “co-owner” with the whole amount payed by the drunkard. After that, he sold the plot and made a venture, a yacht management company, telling the drunkard that the company drowned all they have, but in the future, they’ll be both rich, because they’re in the right place, at the right time. Next month, after a night when they “partied” together, he sued the drunkard for being inactive and sabotaging the venture. So he continued alone in “the yachting business”. If you’re not careful, this may happen. This is not the norm, but why not to consider?
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Basic Rules ..........................2
Object of the Game ....................... 2
Beginning the Game...................... 2
Sequence of Play ........................... 2
The Groups.................................... 3

Alignment .................................. 3
Power ......................................... 3
Resistance .................................. 4
Income........................................ 4
Special Abilities......................... 4
Basic Xfl Rules 2019
Actions........................................... 4
Attacks........................................... 4
Attack to Control ....................... 4
Attack to Neutralize................... 6
Attack to Destroy....................... 6
Interference.................................... 7
Calling Off an Attack .................... 7
Transferring Money....................... 7
Moving a Group ............................ 7
Basic Xfl Rules Meaning
Free Actions................................... 7
Gifts and Trades ............................ 7
Transferring Groups................... 7
Throwing the Game ................... 8
When Is a Deal Binding?........... 8
Threats and Negotiations............... 8
Special Cards................................. 8
Eliminating a Player...................... 8
Leaving the Game...................... 8
Winning the Game......................... 8
Advanced Rules....................9
Adjusting Game Length .................9
Hidden Goals..................................9
Hidden Illuminati............................9
Larger Games .................................9
Strategy .............................10
The Power Structure.....................10
Capturing Several Groups
at Once ......................................10
About the Illuminati .....................11
Illuminati Rules Summary...........16
Game Design by STEVE JACKSON
With development by J. DAVID GEORGE
Card illustrators JOHN GRIGNI,
With additional coloring by
Art Director ALAIN H. DAWSON
Production by ALEX FERNANDEZ
Prepress Checker MONICA STEPHENS
and the all-seeing pyramid are registered
trademarks, and the names of all other products published by
Steve Jackson Games are trademarks or registered trademarks,
of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license.
is copyright © 1982-2013 by Steve Jackson
Games Incorporated. Rules version 3.2 (June 2013).
All rights reserved. Fnord.
This game includes 8 Illuminati cards; 83 cards representing other Groups; 15
Special cards; 4 blank cards; 160 money tokens, representing megabucks (MB); two dice;
and this rulebook.
Number of Players
Illuminati is best for four to six players. You can play with three or even two, but this
limits the possibilities for diplomacy and negotiation. With seven or eight, some rule
changes will be needed to keep the game moving quickly (see p. 9).
This book has three sections: Basic Rules, Advanced Rules, and Strategy. You may
start by reading only the Basic Rules, leaving the rest until later. The Rules Summary on
Basic Xfl Rules Download
the back page contains everything necessary to play.